Monday, October 17, 2016

Mom Fail Monday, Vol. 5

Happy Monday, fellow MOPS moms! While it can be a little difficult to get back into your weekday groove, Mom Fail Monday is here to make the transition easier. This week we have two exceptional Mom Fails- we'll just go ahead and call today's edition "MEGA MOM FAIL MONDAY!"

Jen and the Boy Who Yelled Fire 

While his mama was helping with MOPS setup on Wednesday evening, one little guy decided that he wanted to be really helpful, and he pulled the lever that shall not be pulled. That's right, the fire alarm. Luckily his mom recovered enough to send me some pics, so it looks like she's not going to disown him this time. 

Congratulations, Jen, I certify this an OFFICIAL MOPS MOM FAIL!

Brittany and the Case of the Sticky Paws

Because she tells her story best, here's Brittany: "When we moved into our house 2 years ago there was a mouse. So like any responsible adult I put out a mouse trap. Caught the mouse and haven't since had a mouse. Mom win. 

"Marlee is home from school healing from getting her tonsils out. So in an effort to get some work done I agreed to let her play with Rockin' star (her hamster) in the same room with me. She said, mommy Rockin Star is stuck under the dresser. I brushed it off and ignored her because I thought the hamster was just hiding from Marlee and this would keep Marlee entertained for a little while longer while I finished some work emails. 

"Well I looked over and Marlee used a hanger to get Rockin Star out and low and behold the hamster was stuck to the mouse trap I had forgotten about since two years ago. Thank God it was just a sticky board or my child would have been traumatized. Rockin' Star is ok. She just has some sticky paws. You know, kinda like Chevy Case in Christmas Vacation."

Congratulations, Brittany, I certify this an OFFICIAL MOPS MOM FAIL!

Have a mom fail you want to share? Send me (Jenny Pray) a message on FB or email it to . Can't wait to see what you come up with next!

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